There is an Entire Universe in You!
You are capable to shudder the skies with your thought and vision.
We have, unfortunately, forgotten the value of being human. We have lost The Mission that was given to us long before our birth. We modified the definition of life, and on the top of it, we failed to realize the capability of achieving infinite milestones of eternal success.
“Each human possesses an entire universe in itself, and each one of us has its own kingdom”.
The world we possess is ruled by us. We develop this world by inherited values, emotional intelligence, maturity, self-esteem and decision making. What we think about ourselves eventually shape the world for us likewise. The most dominating factors through which our world grows are the soul and the heart. With the soul and heart, our mind processes and thinks rationally.
The Traditional Growth
From childhood, the environment we are kept in and the surrounding we grow in play the most crucial role in our lives. When a new life comes in the world, it is as pure as water flowing in the spring. The soul and heart are ready to learn, whether it’s good or bad because, at that stage, everything is acceptable to the soul; what the eyes see, what the ears hear, all count in developing a baby into a toddler. With time, the world residing in us begins to develop by the feed we get. We are not able to think on our own, and we keep on learning from our family and friends.
The knowledge we get from age 4 to the schooling age 9–12 makes us capable of thinking on our own. But in today’s reality, the generation is not mature enough to face this challenge. We are not taught how valuable we are. The universe inside us become captive of others’ choices. We gradually go astray and start following those who never had a vision in life. And life goes on from being adolescent to adult to old.
Grow Leaders
What I am trying to imply here is, if you want to grow leaders, provide the young ones with a vision of life so that they won’t die earlier than their time.
· Guide them to choose and follow their inner voices.
· Help them to keep their self-esteem at its peak.
· Deliver them knowledge about the leaders of the past, who conquered the hearts from their wisdom.
· Make them realize their hidden talent with a sound understanding relevant to religious values.
· Allow them to pursue their passion.
· Teach them how to be respectful, honest, and tolerant.
· Give them your time so that they can share their valuable thoughts and ideas with you.
· Encourage them to spread love and never hate anyone.
· Show them how to be caring so that they can be empathetic in their life.
· Be happy in front of them to make them feel optimistic and positive.
· Let them know that being a sincere human is such a blessing and its reward is beyond our imagination in this life and the hereafter.
The thought process of our mind is so magnificent that,
“Everything is Possible. Impossible is the thing which our mind can’t think of”.
We were created not on normal basis, but on excelling the quality of all living & non-living creatures in the entire universe. We are provided with the ability to differentiate between good and evil, false and truth, just and unjust. Only due to some political, economic or technological deviations, we can’t forget who we are.
Our universe residing in us sees everything. Now it’s up to you whether to embrace the good and correct the bad or leave the good for enticing bad.
Live the Love.